Choosing a Toothpaste

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When it comes to brushing your teeth, there are two things that are must-haves. One is a toothbrush, the other is toothpaste. There are plenty of brands on the market, so which one is the right one for you?

Most toothpastes will contain an abrasive to help scrub your teeth. If you are cleaning your dentures or a retainer, you should not use a toothpaste containing abrasives, since they can damage your appliance. A toothpaste will also contain substances that help to keep it moist and thick, a dental detergent to clean your teeth, and some sort of flavoring.

Some toothpastes have specific purpose, such as desensitizing your teeth, providing fluoride, fighting gum disease, tartar and plaque; whitening your teeth, or freshening your breath.  For children, toothpaste is available in fun flavors and containers, and allowing your child to select her own toothpaste may help her become interested in brushing her teeth.

Choosing a toothpaste is really a matter of personal preference. You should talk with your dentist, who can recommend a toothpaste which will meet your specific needs. But no matter which brand or type of toothpaste you select, you should always choose toothpaste that has the Seal of Acceptance from the American Dental Association.

If you would like to talk to our dentist, Dr. Kathryn Leahey about what toothpaste is best for you, she can make a suggestion for you based on your dental information or from an exam. If you would like to make an appointment at Colmar Dentistry for Kids in Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania, call 267-209-6930 today. We’re excited to see you start down the road to a healthy smile!